Knowledge Base (10)
What is Supraspinatus Tendinopathy?
Supraspinatus tendinopathy, also known as shoulder tip syndrome, is a condition affecting one of the shoulder girdle muscles, specifically the supraspinatus muscle (musculus supraspinatus). This muscle is a crucial component of the rotator cuff, which plays a key role in stabilizing and moving the shoulder joint. Supraspinatus tendinopathy is characterized by inflammation, pain, and swelling of the tendon, often resulting from excessive physical exertion that surpasses the body’s capabilities or overstretching of soft tissues. Read more
Water Massage – types, benefits, and applications
Water massage is a therapeutic technique that utilizes water to massage different parts of the body. By applying precise pressure and water movement, this technique stimulates tissues, improves blood circulation, and promotes muscle regeneration. It is one of the most effective methods for relaxation and alleviating pain and muscle tension. Water massage can be performed either wet (in water) or dry (on special massage beds equipped with water nozzles). Read more
What is functional training and what does it involve?
Functional training is a type of training that aims to improve motor coordination, strength, flexibility and endurance. Unlike classical strength training, which focuses primarily on strengthening individual muscles, functional training emphasises the development of different muscle groups with their mutual synergistic work, as well as improving body balance and stabilisation. For this reason, it is also known as a type of multifaceted, multi-joint and proprioceptively rich training. Read more
How to properly clean and disinfect Meden-Inmed bathtubs?
Therapeutic bathtubs, such as Balmed and Orionmed, offer advanced solutions for patient rehabilitation and relaxation. Keeping them clean on a regular basis is not only a matter of aesthetics but, above all, of patient safety. Proper disinfection prevents the growth of bacteria, fungi, and mineral deposits, which can affect the functioning of the equipment and the quality of therapy. Read more
Spinal Strain – Causes of back pain, symptoms, and treatment
Spinal strain is a common issue that can affect anyone, regardless of age. The key to managing this condition effectively is early diagnosis, proper treatment, and the adoption of healthy habits that reduce the risk of recurrence while serving as effective prevention. Read more
Manual Therapy – What is it and how does it work?
Manual therapy is a specialized branch of physiotherapy that involves the direct application of hands-on techniques by a therapist to a patient’s soft tissues and joints. Its primary goal is to restore the body's proper function through tissue and joint mobilization and manipulation. Manual therapy can be an effective treatment for various musculoskeletal disorders and serves as a valuable tool in rehabilitation following injuries and surgeries. Read more
What is urinary incontinence and what can cause it?
Urinary incontinence is a condition that affects many people worldwide, both men and women. Statistically, it affects 6% of the world's population, with about 2 million people in Poland. This condition can have various causes and symptoms and can be treated with a wide range of methods and therapies. A significant challenge of incontinence is its intimate nature and the embarrassment it often causes, which can lead to an underestimation of early symptoms and the progression of the disease due to a lack of appropriate treatment. Read more
Vibration massage - what is it and what does it involve?
Vibration massage is one of many therapeutic massage techniques used to relieve pain, reduce muscle tension and improve overall well-being. This type of massage uses vibrations of different frequencies and intensities, which are transmitted to the patient's body using special devices or massagers. These vibrations are designed to stimulate the soft tissues and affect the nervous system, helping to relax muscles, improve blood and lymph circulation and reduce pain. Read more
What is cryotherapy? Applications and benefits of cold therapy
Cryotherapy is a treatment method that involves the use of low temperatures to therapeutically affect the body. The application of cryotherapy can take a variety of forms, such as cryochambers, application of ice or cryogel to a specific area of the body, or local immersion in low temperatures. Benefits of cold therapy include reducing pain and inflammation, accelerating tissue regeneration processes, improving blood circulation, and alleviating symptoms of various conditions, such as sports injuries, rheumatic diseases or even mood disorders. Read more
What is balneotherapy? Indications and contraindications for balneological treatments
Balneology is a branch of spa medicine that focuses on treatments using natural resources such as mineral waters and peloids (therapeutic muds). Balneotherapy, a part of physiotherapy, is used to treat various conditions, including diabetes, neuroses, cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders, and musculoskeletal conditions affecting the joints and spine. The main types of balneotherapy include crenotherapy, hydrotherapy, and aerosol therapy. Read more